APRIL 3, 2015 – JUNE 14, 2015

Every three years, the Biggs Museum hosts a juried competition of their Delaware By Hand artist membership in order to select individual artists that are deemed masters of their craft. The 2015 winning members, as well as their finest submissions, are selected by Brandi P. Clark, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsmen. Each winner is represented by at least three works of art in the Delaware By Hand Masters exhibition. These works are eligible for the coveted Museum Purchase Prize of $1500, a special winning allocation also selected by the competition juror, Ms. Clark. The exhibitors have often selected two additional works to represent the scope of their talent and abilities and their works are on view in the museum’s timeline galleries alongside examples of the historic permanent collection of fine and decorative arts.

Additionally the exhibition includes the work of Honorary Master Craftsman, James Coker to honor his lifetime achievement in hand-crafts. Never-before-seen, Mr. Coker’s unique and distinctive needlework compositions are on view in the museum’s second-floor Gallery 14. This exhibition is funded in part by the Edgar Thronson Foundation, the Donald and Martha DeWees Foundation, and the Delaware Division of the Arts.

The following artists will be featured in the upcoming DBH Masterworks Exhibition:
