Open Thurs-Sun 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
On Dover’s Historic Green

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JULY 3, 2009 – OCTOBER 25, 2009

Open July 3, 2009 – October 25, 2009

Award Winners features the talent of the current Individual Artist Fellows of the Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA). These artists: painters, photographers, writers, musicians and craft artisans, have the honor of winning the DDOA’s annual distinguished fellowship prizes. The fellows are chosen by a committee from hundreds of entrees. In a partnership with the DDOA, the staff of the Biggs Museum invites the Award Winners to the only group exhibition honoring their combined accomplishment. The Award Winners exhibition will feature the media of all winning artists. This time-honored exhibition is among one of the best opportunities to experience the Delaware art scene.The Biggs Museum congratulates the 2009 Delaware Division of the Arts Individual Fellows:2009 Masters Fellow

Christiaan Taggart: Music, Solo Recital


Ronald Brignac: Visual Arts, PhotographyNancy Carol Willis: Visual Arts, Works on PaperRobert Davis: Literature, Creative NonfictionElizabeth Dolan: Literature, PoetryEileen Grycky: Music, Solo RecitalRamona Long: Literature, FictionRonald Longsdorf: Visual Arts, Sculpture


Abby Millager: Literature, PoetryStephen Ruszkowski: Visual Arts, Painting

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