MARCH 4, 2022 – JUNE 18, 2022
Featuring 72 works from the permanent collection of Guild Hall in East Hampton, New York, this exhibition notably includes artwork by Jackson Pollock, Willem and Elaine de Kooning, Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Chuck Close. Paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, and mixed media works will trace the progression of art movements in the U.S. from Impressionism to Abstract Expressionism to Contemporary Arts of the 1980s and 1990s.
Guild Hall: An Adventure in the Arts: Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Guild Hall Museum was organized the Guild Hall Museum, East Hampton, NY in association with Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA.
Guild Hall: An Adventure in the Arts : Selections from the Permanent Collection of the Guild Hall Museum is made possible through support from the Choptank Foundation, The Bryn Mawr Trust Company of Delaware and the Delaware Division of the Arts.  ​