MARCH 5, 2008 – JUNE 29, 2008
FeaturingThe Col. Kenneth P. & Regina I. Brown Collectionand loan exhibitionMasters in Our Midst
March 5 – June 29, 2008
The Biggs Museum is proud to celebrate Delaware Silver featuring the permanent installation of the Col. Kenneth P. & Regina I. Brown Collection in the State’s first Delaware Silver Study Center and an exciting masterpiece exhibition, Masters in Our Midst.
The Brown Collection at the Biggs Museum represents over 50 years of collecting and includes nearly 750 pieces of silver made and retailed in the State of Delaware during the 18th and 19th centuries. Featuring silver costume objects, militaria, table wares, commemorative wares, and tea and coffee services; the Brown Collection is among the finest known for studying Delaware silversmiths. This Brown Collection is also featured in a fully illustrated catalog.
In addition, the loan exhibition, Masters in Our Midst, brings together some of the most exceptional silver by Delaware smiths from private and public collections across the country. Masters in Our Midst offers family-friendly interactive displays on important stories about Delaware Silver.